miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War: Dark Crusade (Juego)

He terminado esta maravillosa tercera entrega de la serie de Dawn of War, épica.


"Warhammer 40000 - Dawn of War: Dark Crusade"

Desarrollado por Relic Entertainment.
Género: Estrategia.
Plataforma: PC.
Lanzamiento: 2006.

Valoración: ★★★★★ (Brutal)

Historia del juego:

"Los eventos de Dark Crusade toman lugar en el planeta Kronus, un mundo en la franja oriental del imperio, donde la población humana local tiene una dificil co-existencia con el cercano imperio Tau. Un antiguo cañon Titan Hellstorm firmemente arraigado en Victoria Bay y la necesidad de ayudar a la población humana local son las razones que la Guardia Imperial llege a Kronus a "liberarlos" de la dominación Tau. También es una antiguo mundo tumba Necron, cuyos habitantes están empezando a despertar. Los Eldar del mundo astronave Ulthwé pronto llegan para detener la amenaza Necrona. Además, Kronus posee reliquias ocultas, que quedaron de la Herejía de Horus, que son importantes para los Cuervos Sangrientos y la Legión de los Portadores de la Palabra. También hay una población local Orka en las selvas del sur que se moviliza rápidamente a las nuevas amenazas después de llegar a unirse bajo un nuevo Warboss. Frente a esta oposición contra la colonia próspera, The Ethereal Aun'el Tau, conciente de que debe mantener la colonia, ordena a los guerreros de fuego tomar parte en la batalla contra las otras facciones."




Mi opinión:

Dark Crusade es la tercera entrega de la saga, siendo la segunda expansión del Dawn of War original y la primera independiente en su instalación.

Dark Crusade tiene varias cosillas que me gustaría mencionar:

  1. El modo de campaña es totalmente distinto a las entregas anteriores, en esta oportunidad hay un mapa al estilo risk con el cual debes conquistar el resto del mapa atacando diferentes asentamientos enemigos, y como no siendo atacado tu también.
          Hay muchas provincias y pertenecen a 3 tipos, la normal, cuya recompensa de vencer es un unidad de honor (que acompaña al heroe) y se juega como una partida normal de escaramuza. La segunda son las provincias que alojan poderes especiales que te ayudan tanto en las batallas o el despliegue, estas se juegan normalmente como escaramuzas pero con condiciones de victoria especiales (matar cierta cantidad de individuos, reunir energia etc)
           Y las ultimas, son los bastiones enemigos. Lugares fuertemente defendidos, los cuales poseen cinematicos y objetivos principales y secundarios como las campañas de juegos anteriores. Ganar ahí supone derrotar a la raza propietaria.

    (Como curiosidad, las peleas más difíciles no son los bastiones)
  2. Agrega, si bien es una tontera, la capacidad de mantener los cuerpos de los soldados abatidos en el campo de batalla. Esa opción me encanta! Lo notaras cuando tengas una batalla dificíl, y veas el mapa cubierto de muertos de lado a lado, es muy épico. (Tristemente solo soldados, unidades mecánicas y edificios desaparecen como siempre)
  3. Dos nuevas razas, los Tau, expertos en el combate a distancia. Y los necrones, unos maquinas hijas de puta cuyo pasatiempo es exterminar la vida del universo (vistos por primera vez en el Winter assault pero ahora como raza jugable).
  4. La dificultad y la IA  se ha mejorado notablemente.
  5. Ahora los héroes reciben mejoras por cumplir ciertas en la conquista de Kronus, Pudiendo personalizarlo con equipamiento para volverlo extremadamente poderoso.

    (Vista de los 7 heroes a full potencia)
  6. En general es todo lo que fue Dawn of War, pero mejor y más.

-Marines espaciales: Completado.

Final Canonico: (Spoiler)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29AyW5EJ-dU (Marines Espaciles)

De wikipedia:
Canonical Ending
The Game has various endings for all the different factions, but Relic has stated the Blood Ravens defeated the Necrons, Eldar, and Imperial Guard. Through the dialogue in Dawn of War 2, it is apparent that the Blood Ravens were able to conquer Kronus and return control of it to the Imperium. Davian Thule also bears scars in Dawn of War 2 which he received during the final battle with The Necron Lord Of Kronus during the events in Dark Crusade. Also, Tarkus received Terminator Honours after his struggle against the Necrons and Tau during the Dark Crusade. The Blood Raven ending reveals that the Blood Ravens went through one of their greatest trials after the Dark Crusade was over; the Inquisition launched a thorough investigation into the Blood Ravens after they fought the Imperial Guard. Though not necessarily canonical, if the player beats the Space Marines as the Imperial Guard, it is shown that the Guard discovered documents detailing secrets about the Blood Ravens' history that didn't match up with their official past known by the Imperium, thus leading the probing investigation by the Inquisition.
The Dividing of the Ork Clans
The Warboss Gorgutz, who survived the battles of Lorn V in Winter Assault, began his new Waaagh! in the Ork-infested Green Coast on Kronus. As is often the case with the Orks, Gorgutz's Waaagh! was formed by uniting several weaker clans under his banners, which were used as symbols of his authority in his stronghold. The Blood Ravens used this dissent by destroying Gorgutz's banners, causing the clans to begin fighting against each other and defying Gorgutz's reign. The Blood Ravens ultimately slaughtered their way through the infighting clans and kill Gorgutz's personal guard. However, he took his revenge on the Space Marines that bested him by detonating several warheads, killing his own minions and several fighting Blood Ravens. In the confusion of the explosions, he escapes through a cave and is able to flee Kronus on a hidden space ship, returning once more in Soulstorm. If defeated in Soulstorm, he flees the system in a similar manner.

The Necron Catacomb's Collapse
The Necrons, the original rulers of the planet Kronus, emerge from the center of the map in the Thur'abis Plateau. The Blood Ravens descended into the caverns beneath the plateau to discover a huge network of catacombs hidden within, holding innumerable amounts of Necron soldiers. Despite the dark and fearsome location, the Blood Ravens fought their way through the catacombs, destroying Necron beacons (Which could cause different effects on the player or his enemies, such as reviving fallen Necrons or causing the player's vehicle units to turn on him/her) as they worked their way into a key structural point inside. Davian Thule placed a powerful explosive device which caused the catacombs to collapse, thus ending the Necron threat on Kronus.

Farseer Taldeer's Gambit
Farseer Taldeer constructed her attack force from the northwestern reaches of the planet Kronus, and rather than risk her own Eldar warriors in her stronghold's defense, positioned herself between a splinter cult of Chaos Space Marines and a small force of dissatisfied Orks that broke off from Gorgutz's Waaagh! However, in doing so, she backed herself into a corner controlled by three Webway Gates that allowed her access to the rest of the Eldar army in space. The Blood Ravens fought their way through their old enemies, defeated the Ork and Chaos threat, and were able to hold the Webway Gates to prevent any possible escape from Taldeer. The Eldar Farseer chose to sacrifice her own life in order to allow her troops to flee, seeking refuge on the planet. The ultimate fate of Taldeer is later left as a subject revisited in Dawn of War II: Retribution.

Governor-Militant Lukas Alexander's Last Stand
The Imperial Guard, having set their stronghold near a Hellstorm cannon that had once been a part of an Imperial Titan, named their starting location Victory Bay, fully believing that they could regain control of the planet. The Blood Ravens, however, were able to fight their way through the heavily defended Imperial stronghold, eventually taking control of the Hellstorm cannon itself and sparking a revolution in dissident Imperial troops. They gathered their troops and fought their way through the heavy defenses held by Lukas Alexander, and were able to end the Governor's reign on Kronus. In the after battle report, it is mentioned that the Blood Ravens held Alexander in the highest regard, especially since he had stayed absolutely loyal to his orders and in defending Victory Bay. Despite his loss, Alexander and his Imperial troops were commended and honored for their bravery in standing up to the Blood Ravens assault (with the exception of the treacherous 5th Company, who were all executed without mercy for betraying their regiment, even though they joined forces with the Space Marines after Anton Gebbett, the Commissar attached to their company, was killed).

PD: Bono a la defensa más dificíl

The Fall of Or'es Tash'n
The Tau began their campaign on Kronus by landing their task force in their planetary capital of Or'es Tash'n, which had been built on the ruins of the Imperial city of Asharis. A stronghold of sizable proportions, O'Kais used both his own Tau units as well as the Kroot and their other allies to create a powerful defense in the city. Using the city's own communication tower, they were able to keep tabs on the invading Blood Ravens until the plaza was captured by the attacking Blood Ravens and the Comm tower's detection stealth capability was turned against the Tau. After a difficult struggle in which the Blood Ravens had to fight their way through Kroot and Tau alike, the Blood Ravens were able to kill the Ethereal Aun'el, effectively crushing the morale of what remained of the Tau forces. Shas'o Kais, the Tau Commander, fled Kronus in order to return the defeated leader's body to the homeworld of T'au, and the surviving Tau were either killed in the ensuing rout or evacuated from Kronus, leaving Asharis to the Space Marines.

Eliphas the Inheritor's Sacrifice
The Chaos Space Marines of the Word Bearers Legion, under orders of their leader, the Chaos Lord Eliphas the Inheritor, were able to rip open a hole in the Warp and construct a gate around it to keep it stable. This allowed Chaos Daemons to pour through the rift and corrupt the land beneath their feet, as well as construct large pillars designed to use Chaos magic and sacrifice any willing or unwilling beings that ventured too close. In the defense of the Warp Gate, the Chaos Commander Eliphas the Inheritor decided to allow his troops to defend their own sections of a long, twisted path to the gate instead of focus on the defense as a whole. However, because he was unable to command his defenses effectively, the Blood Ravens were able to cut their way through the bloody gauntlet of Chaos Space Marines and demolish the Warp Gate. Eliphas, having failed his daemonic masters one too many times, was sacrificed as a failed subject.

Eliphas returns in Dawn of War II Chaos Rising as part of the Black Legion due to an unexpected level of fan popularity.

Video inspiracional:

En resumen, un gran y épico juego, largo interesante y diverso.

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